The 9th International Prof. Ivan Spasov Competition on the Compostition

  • Music
  • 02/03/2022 22:25
  • Justina
The 9th International Prof. Ivan Spasov Competition on the Compostition


November 26 – 27, 2022

Cit of Plovdiv



 Prof. Vasilka SPASOVA - President of the Professor Ivan Spasov Foundation - Plovdiv

 Yordan DAFOV - Composer and conductor, Chairman of the jury of the International Competition

 on the composition "Professor Ivan Spasov" - Plovdiv

 Assoc. Prof. Iliya KOZHUKHAROV - Composer

 Prof. Dr. Julian KUYUMDZHIEV - musicologist, Chief editor of the magazine "Musical Horizons" at SBMTD - Sofia

 Tsenko MINKIN - Chairman of Union of Bulgarian Composers

 Prof. Stefan LYUTAKOV - Sculptor

 Eliyanka MIHAYLOVA - conductor, Chief Expert in the Directorate

 "Contemporary Art and Art Education" at the Ministry of Culture - Sofia

 Todor POPOV - Mayor of Pazardzhik

 Zdravko DIMITROV - Mayor of Plovdiv


Chairman: Prof. Nedyalcho Todorov

Members: Assoc. Prof. Kiril Chaplikov, Dimitar Nakov

Secretary: Svetoslav Karagenov


  1. Conditions for participation
  2. Candidates may take part in the competition, without age restrictions and nationality.
  3. The competition is held in two categories:

   Category A: Chamber, vocal-instrumental work for a group of up to four performers. Duration - up to 20 minutes.

   Category B: Cyclic work for keyboard instrument (piano, organ, harpsichord or accordion). Duration - up to 20 minutes.

  1. Each candidate may submit up to two works of the same category or up to one work of each category.
  2. The candidates shall send by 31.10.2022 (by postmark) the following materials in a common package:
  • sealed envelope with the competition work (s) and, if possible, a recording CD version) of the same (s);
  • a sealed, opaque envelope containing a sheet bearing the applicant's name;
  • a sealed opaque envelope containing an application for participation (according to the attached template)  Application form 9 konkurs BG-A4


       and a document for paid participation fee in the amount of BGN 50 to a bank account


 in euros - IBAN: BG32FINV91502016641966

 in BGN - IBAN: BG27FINV91502016641959

  1. The competition is anonymous.

 There must be no indications on the envelopes or on the scores of the works that violate anonymity.

  1. The package with the materials (under item 4) shall be sent to the address:

    Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts

    Todor Samodumov Street №2

    4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria

    To Mr. Svetoslav Karagenov - for the composition competition


 The Operational Council does not undertake to return the materials submitted by the candidates.

 In case the candidate refuses to participate in the competition, the fee is not refundable.


  1. Jury:
  2. The presented works are evaluated by a jury, which includes prominent Bulgarian composers and conductors.
  3. The jury shall work according to regulations approved by the Operational Council.
  4. The jury has the right not to award all announced prizes.
  5. The decisions of the jury are final.

III. Awards:

  1. The prizes for each category are:

   First prize: € 500

   Second prize: € 350

   Third prize: € 200

   Special award from the Municipality of Pazardzhik

  1. Other prizes (from foundations, individuals, etc.) may be awarded at discretion of the jury.
  2. The Operational Council assists that the awarded works be included in the concert poster of AMTII "Prof. Asen Diamandiev" - season 2022-2023.


       * Foundation

       * If you need any help, please contact: